Thursday, November 12, 2009

Who is actually working in your life?

I've really meant to post more and I write lots of them in my mind, but the last few days my mood hasn't been what it should be and so I didn't want to post. I've posted a lot about some of the struggles I've been having, the questioning and that's ok, but enough is enough. I've been thinking a lot about how God works in our lives. But he's not the only one. The devil also works in our lives, whether we realize it or not. I know I am saved and I'm going to Heaven. My soul belongs to God and the devil is not going to get it. But I realized the last few days that even though he won't get me, he can still use me to influence other people. And that has made me feel really guilty. But think about it. What kind of person do you want to be around? One who is happy and at peace, or someone who is sad, angry and struggling? The happy, peaceful person can still be sad and have struggles, but I guess it's what you do with it that counts. I want to be the kind of Christian that makes other people want what I have. I don't want them to look at me and say, "Gee, she's a Christian, but she's sure not very happy! It's not doing much for her." It does do a lot for me. I know that God is always, always here. It's me who moves away sometimes. I am trying to stay as close to Him as I can. And I have made up my mind that Satan is not going to use me to win someone for himself. He can just move on to someone else. I do not want to explain to God someday why someone I loved is in Hell because they saw my life and didn't want any part of what I have. Bad things are going to happen. Bad days are going to come. But it's ok. Because I can give it all to God and let Him handle it. And it'll all be ok. Do you feel the peace coming back? I do.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Christmas music

I am sitting here listening to Christmas music and realizing that for the first time in awhile, I feel happy! I have been dwelling on what I have left behind instead of just enjoying where I am right now. Well, right this very minute, I am listening to Christmas music and I love it! I know that a lot of people think it's way too early, that it shouldn't start until after Thanksgiving. I know what they are saying, that Thanksgiving just kind of gets glossed over - we go right from Halloween to Christmas. Maybe that's true. Thanksgiving kind of gets shoved right in with Christmas. But I love Thanksgiving and it is my favorite holiday of the year. I love the Thanksgiving meal and I like watching part of the parades. It really didn't bother me last year that we were in Texas and didn't get to be a part of a big gathering. I still loved it. And I love it whether there's Christmas music playing or not. To me, the music doesn't take away. It just extends the "feeling" of Thanksgiving and Christmas longer. The music is really my favorite part of the Christmas season, along with Christmas movies. Maybe because they remind me of what Christmas is really meant to be and not what it is. I think we get caught up in the things that aren't important and forget what is. But every year, the music brings out the excitement of the child in me - an excitement and hope for what might be this year. And I don't know about you, but if I could have that feeling all year long - wow, what a year it'd be! So play on, Christmas music. Remind me of the baby in the manger, the drummer boy who had nothing for a gift but his talents, and the star in the sky leading the way. And remind me how thankful I am for those things, and so much more.