Thursday, August 12, 2010


Last week we had a water leak in the basement. I posted a comment about it on facebook and about how lucky we were that nothing was ruined. We just had some major clean up to do. My mom posted that it sure seemed I was being tested and she was proud of the way I was handling it. The truth is that when I first saw the water, I almost burst into tears and I was thinking how could one more thing be going wrong and when would it stop? I could just see dollar signs flying out the window. But then I took a deep breath and concentrated on getting the water off. Once that was done and I took a look around, I realized that even though it wasn't a fun thing, we were protected. Nothing was ruined, there wasn't a costly repair and I found it before it could do a lot of damage.
God has been working with me on my attitude. One day when I was still working at the IRS, I was driving to work and having a conversation with God. I asked Him to help me change my attitude about things. I was angry about things that are already done and can't be changed and I was holding onto that anger. I asked him to help me let go and to see all the good things that are here right in front of me. I meant it sincerely and I can see the changes. I still have my moments - I probably always will. But they don't come as often or last as long.
He's also working on teaching me patience, I lesson I have yet to learn. There is a job I want in Lexington so bad. Right now, they have frozen it. I don't know if God is saying, "No, that's not where I want you" or "not right now". I do know that I was driving to Liberty a couple of weeks ago for a job interview and I saw a rainbow. I know it was God's promise and His reminder to me that He was in control. I didn't get that job, and I'm ok with that. I only applied because it was a job to get my foot in the door, but I didn't really want it. God knows it wasn't where I belonged. So I keep waiting, and when panic starts to rise, I remember the rainbow. God is in control. He has a plan. Everything's ok. I take a breath and think about all that is good in my life - and there is soooo much good in my life! Thank you, Heavenly Father!