Thursday, April 1, 2010

Some things don't need to change

I've been thinking that I either need to change the name of this blog or start a new one because I am no longer an East Texas housewife. But then I had an e-mail from Mrs. Robyn that reminded me that "you can take the girl out of Texas, but you can't take Texas out of the girl". That is so true! I wasn't born there and I wasn't there nearly long enough to suit me, but I was there long enough to know that Texas will always be a part of me. So I am leaving the blog just like it is. If nothing else, it will always remind me of a time in my life when I knew I was where I was supposed to be and I was happy.
So now on to other things. I finally found out that I get to go back to work next Wed. at the IRS. I am thankful for that, as is our bank account! I know I will like it. Could do without the long drive, but I guess there's always something. I am continuing to write the articles, and I still believe that could one day become my full time job from home, but I gotta tell ya, it's HARD! It's hard to stay focused and there are lots of interruptions - mainly Cinnamon taking cushions off the couch or carrying around the bathmat. Things like that. But Don has fixed the toilet downstairs, so I am going to work on setting up an "office" for me down there and when I get laid off again, I'll try it again. I am also continuing to look for another job that is at least permanent, but so is everyone else and the competition is fierce. With no college background or secondary education, I am having a hard time finding something. But I know it'll work out, because as Mrs Robyn also reminded me, God knows the plans He has for me. Just wish he'd let me in on them once in a while!
Oh, did have I ever mentioned how much I love my Texas family? Even 600 miles away, they are here for me. God is good.

1 comment:

  1. I honestly believe that you will someday wind up back in Texas. In the meantime, it is good to have you so close.
