Monday, February 9, 2009

Hearing God

Our Sunday School class has been studying Experiencing God as Couples. It is about hearing God and obeying God. You have to first be able to hear God to know what He is telling you to do. Then you obey. Brother Sonny, our pastor and Sunday School teacher tells us almost every week in church that the way to hear God is by being in his word (The Bible, of course) and praying. I have the praying down and am reading the bible. But I can't always hear what He is saying to me. Last week I was talking with God about something on my mind. I was telling Him all the reasons why something shouldn't happen and for every one I had, a reason to do it popped into my head. I finally got to the last reason - and the one I feel could be the deal breaker - and I heard Him. "Just trust me". I don't know if all the other answers that popped in my head were from God or if it was just me playing devil's advocate. I do trust God - I just don't trust me to understand for sure what He is telling me to do. I don't want to get to Heaven someday and He ask me why I didn't do what He told me to do, or why did I go ahead and do something that He told me not to do at that particular time! How do you know for sure? I guess I'm still learning that. This particular item I was discussing with him isn't something that needs to be decided and done right this instance. There's time to pray more and listen more. The answer will come. I know that He knows I am trying to hear and I want to do what He wants done, so I know it will all work out. I've been stressing some about it, but this morning I am at peace. It's not about us or what we want - it's about what God wants. And if I continue to seek his guidance and truly listen, He will send the answer and we will do what He wants. I can look back and see all that He has done in my life, even when I wasn't paying any attentiont to what He wanted, and everything still worked out as He planned. God doesn't make mistakes. He already knows what is to come. "Trust me!" I do.

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you. Just keep praying and listening.
