Thursday, April 16, 2009

Confusing Times

Well, I have to say, if it's nothing else, life sure is interesting! We now only lack the fire inspection to be fully certified to adopt a child. The inspector was supposed to be here 2 days ago, but we're still waiting. (This is not unusual in East Texas! And in his defense, the fire department here is all voluntary and he works a regular job.) But now, when we're ready to move forward, Hallmark decides to start making job cuts. I do not think Don is going to lose his job (although at this point, I guess we can't be certain of that) but it is going to affect us in some way or another. Just not sure how yet. We really feel like God wants us to adopt a child, so we are going to go ahead and see if the right child comes along. If that is what He wants, then it will happen. We're just a little worried that we may have a child placed here but adoption not finalized and a decision may have to be made as to whether to stay here or go back home. Of course if we are getting close to consummation, we may be able to rush things through. The last thing everyone wants is for a child to be placed and then have to move the child again. I do best when I feel like I have control in things going on in my life and right now I don't have a lot of control over anything. So I just have to listen to that voice in my head that says, "Just trust me!" But I am learning to do that and although there have been a couple of times this week that I could really get upset, I know deep in my heart that no matter what happens, everything will be ok. God has a plan and I don't have to know what it is or exactly how it is all going to work out. He has that under control. All I have to do is trust Him. And although it's a little uncomfortable for me to not know what is going to happen, there is definetely some relief in knowing I don't have to waste my energy worrying about it. So we're just going to keep on keeping on and look forward with excitement to whatever God has planned for our lives.

1 comment:

  1. my mama always said, "life is like a box of chocolates, you never now what your going to get"
