Thursday, March 26, 2009

What a weekend!

Last weekend was so much fun! On Thursday, Joan & Sonny came down. They got here around 4:30 and we got to spend the evening visiting with them. On Friday morning, I got up and called Derek's phone to see if he and Dad were on the road yet. Dad answered Derek's phone (I was surprised and proud that he could figure out how to do that!) and he said that Derek was napping. I just assumed that Dad was driving. He said that they were just a little ways down the road. Later that afternoon, around 2:00 pm, a reflection caught my attention and I looked outside. Derek's truck was turning into the driveway! I went running out to meet them and was telling Dad he tricked me on the phone that morning when the back door opened and Kristen got out! I was so surprised because she had told us that she wasn't going to be able to come. Turns out that she answered Derek's phone that morning and gave it to Dad to talk to me. Those 3 are sneaky little devils when they are together! What great surprises! They got there about 5 hours earlier than we expected and Kristen was there, too. Saturday we hung around the house for a little while and then Joan, my Dad, Derek, Kristen and I went for a ride to Toledo Bend and had a picnic lunch. Don & Sonny stayed home and spent some time together. That evening we had burgers and brats on the grill. It was also my birthday, so I got cards, presents and cake & ice cream! Sunday morning Uncle Bob and Aunt Paula got here and we all went to church together to see Don be baptized. Our church family made everyone feel welcome and it was a great time. We spent the afternoon watching Nascar (go Kyle Busch!), taking a walk, playing washers, playing yahtzee and just visiting. Uncle Bob & Aunt Paula left late that afternoon and everyone else left early Monday morning. We were so sad to see them all go, but it was such a wonderful time. Everyone made it home safely. God blessed us all weekend long with good family time, great weather and a safe weekend.

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