Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Which way to go?

I feel like we are fast approaching a Y in the road and are going to need to choose which way to go. One way may have a few surprises along the way, but for the most part, it is predictable, familiar. There is nothing wrong with going that way and no one would blame us if we do. In fact, some would probably be relieved. It will mean staying on the same road we are already on and just going about our business as we do now. There is nothing wrong with this road - it is a good road. We will see some nice things along this way and it is basically a smooth ride, but it is familiar and comfortable.
The other way is unfamiliar territory. The first part of that way looks to be bumpy and there is the danger of getting lost or having unexpected trouble along the way. However, going that way could mean that we will see and experience new things - good things - that we won't if we go the predicatable way. And we may end up at the end of this road with so many blessings that we can't even imagine. And although that way looks really scary, there are people waiting along side that road to support us and get us back on track if we need it. That road also means we are going to have to support and love someone else and make a positive difference in their lives. We are going to pick up passengers to take along with us on this journey. This is not a road to take alone. It is a road to be shared. We don't know exactly what the ending of this road looks like, but we're curious. Is going down this road worth the risks? The only way to know is to take it.
So which way do we go? The safe, predictable way, arriving at the end of our journey much the way we are now? Or the scenic way, with hills and turns and not knowing how the journey will affect us? Will we be better off and so thankful that we didn't miss this trip even if sometimes it was harder or will we be wishing we had gone the other way and left well enough alone? Don't the really important things that we do with our lives or have in our lives usually come by bumpy, unknown roads? And if we don't travel those roads unprepared or alone, don't they usually bring us to a place that we wouldn't miss even if it was a little harder to get there and we would make the same choice if we had to do it over again? Isn't the journeys that we take what make us who we are?
So again, which way to go? Only time will tell.

1 comment:

  1. I think that praying about it will help. At least that is what Garret and I have been trying to do when it comes to big decisions. In the end I think you will know which way is the way things are supposed to go.
