Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I received an e-mail the other day from one of my brothers. He has been reading my blogs and he said he didn't realize that my faith was such a big part of my life. I had to tell him the truth - it hasn't been. I accepted Jesus Christ as my saviour and was baptized when I was 14. I have never stopped believing in God, but I really didn't have a personal relationship with Him. I tried (most of the time) to be a good person and treat people right and I said my prayers every night before going to sleep. I went to church on Sunday for quite a while, but it was just something that I should do. Bedtime was the only time I really prayed unless there was something in particular I wanted or was worried about. I could see things He had done in my life, but I couldn't see ahead of me. I didn't seek His guidance when making decisions and I didn't talk to Him during the day. But God decided He was tired of hearing us say that we were going to find a church, but never doing anything about it. So He moved us 600 miles away from home, family & friends and put us where we didn't know anyone. In time, He led us to White Rock Baptist Church. What makes this church so special is that it is made up of people who love God and each other. They are just normal, everyday small town people. But when you walk in there on Sunday morning, you can feel the presence of God. Sometimes there is so much talking, laughing, and hugging of necks that it takes Robyn awhile to get everyone's attention so that we can start church! People are happy to be in God's house with their brothers and sisters. I have learned that a church filled with God's spirit is a wonderful, fun place to be. I am learning to take time to read in the bible every day. We go to bible study on Wed. night because we want to know what it says. It is not an easy book to read, but it is a great book filled with wonderful stories and answers to all your questions. I haven't found them all yet, of course, but I am learning. I am learning that God speaks to you all day long and it really isn't that hard to hear him. He speaks in your head, through the radio, through e-mails and so many other ways. If your heart and your ears are open, you will begin to hear Him. I was never one of those people who could say "God led me to do this" or "God spoke to me about this". I could see what He had done in my past, but not what He wanted now. I am beginning to see and hear. I am learning to give my worries to Him, because He is in charge and I don't need to worry about anything. It doesn't mean nothing bad will ever happen or things will be easy, but He will be there and if I ask for guidance, I will get it. God doesn't always send you down an easy path, but He will be there with you. He took us a long way from our family and friends. But He gave us a church family that we love and friends that we love here. He is making big changes in our lives, but they are good changes and exciting changes. It is so exciting what you see and hear when you are looking and listening for God. I am thankful that God is back in charge of my life where He should be, because to tell you the truth, it's just too much responsibility for me!
And speaking of church and faith, Don accepted Jesus this past Sunday and will be baptized later this month, probably on the 22nd. I am so happy for him and so proud of him. I have seen big changes in him and in his attitude since we have been going to church. I know wonderful, exciting things are coming for him and for us as a couple.

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you and so happy for you, my daughter.
