Monday, October 25, 2010

Answered prayer

Saturday morning I was getting ready to leave for work. One of my tires was low, so we used the air compressor to fill it up. As I was pulling out of the driveway, I was thinking about how much I didn't want to go and how the day was already starting off bad. I prayed a little prayer to God that went something along the lines of please help me with my attitude today because I really don't want to go and I need You to help me. I wasn't even down to the highway (less than a block) when the d-jay on K-Love radio read a bible verse. I was driving so couldn't write it down and I don't remember what it was exactly or where in the bible it was, but it had to do with doing your work with joy as if you were working for God and not anyone else. It really kind of gave me chills because God's answer came so quick. I was able to shake off the bad attitude and walk into work with a smile on my face. I know that God answers prayer, but I have never had one answered so quickly and so clearly. It was an awesome experience!

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