Thursday, October 28, 2010

Found the verse!

Well, I guess God wanted to be sure that I "got" it, because in today's Billy Graham column (which I don't hardly ever read, but for some reason I did this morning) he had the verse that I heard on the radio Saturday morning after talking with God and asking for His help with my attitude. Anyway, here is the verse: Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. Colossians 3:23.
I cut it out and I will be posting it somewhere that I can see it. I need to keep it handy for the time that I return to work because the truth is that I don't want to work. It's not that I don't like "work" at all. It is just that I really love to be home. I know - who doesn't? But I guess home is kind of a safe place for me. I am really not a social person at all and I don't like going places where I don't know anyone. We have a wedding reception to go to next weekend and I am already dreading it. And it's also that I love working around the house - baking, doing laundry, and yes, even sometimes cleaning! I take pride in having dinner on the table when Don gets home. I love being able to take care of our errands during the day so that our evenings and weekends are ours to enjoy. I love being able to mow the yard because I have the time and I just like to mow the yard! I think maybe I was born 30 years too late. I would have been a fabulous 50's housewife! Being a housewife makes me happy. But the bank account says that I really need to work for awhile, so I will. But there are some mornings when I am just not really happy about it so I will be reminding myself of this verse because life is too short to be in a bad mood! I gotta tell ya, when you're really trying to be close to God and listening for Him, He will talk to you - sometimes loud and clear! I am thankful for that.

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