Friday, October 22, 2010

The Pumpkin Patch

A while back, I was looking at job listings on Craig's list and I came across an ad for the local pumpkin patch. It is, of course, a temporary job and I thought it would be fun. So I printed out the application, filled it out and took it over. I spoke with a lady and she told me employment was "fluid" - some people quit because it was too hard and others were asked to leave. She said it was hard work, but they wouldn't ask you to do anything they themselves hadn't done. I left feeling a little unsure and a couple of weeks went by and I figured I wouldn't be hired. But then I got the phone call. She called on a Wed. evening and offered to hire me for the remaining weekends, beginning that Saturday. The hours were 8:15 am to whenever we finished cleaning up after closing (approximately 7:30ish). Well, let me tell ya, she wasn't kidding about it being hard work! I am working in the cafe. We serve burgers, hot dogs, bbq brisket sandwiches, brats, chips, pumpkin donuts, bread, other desserts, soft drinks and cider slush, just to name part of the menu. I have been both a cashier and a runner. The cashier takes the order and the money. The runner tells the kitchen what hot food is needed and fills the rest of the money. We start getting busy around 11:00 am and it is usually 5 or 5:30 before it even begins to slow down. There are two cash registers, so therefore, two lines of customers. People have been standing in those lines for anywhere from 30 minutes to close to an hour. It is very warm in the cafe which has been miserable as we have had warm weather. We are lucky to get one 15 minute break all day long, but last Sunday, we did get 2 breaks! I have to admit if I knew what I was getting into, I would never have applied. But I did and I'm not one to just quit, so there's 2 more weeks to go. The first weekend was quite a shock and eye-opener and I was exhausted. Last weekend, I knew what to expect, so it wasn't quite so bad. I have to say that for the most part, the customers have been very, very nice and the kids are fun to watch. We do have some people that are a little cranky, but luckily, they are the minority. The extra money is appreciated, but I am really thankful that there are only 2 more weekends to go and that the weather is supposed to be cooler this weekend. Surely I can make it!

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